LOOMING DEADLINES!!!!!!!!Items due by the end of the trimester: Article Reviews x 14+ Vocab List 30+ vocal terms Tri 2 Project on bias and propaganda Mr W's availability: every morning before 700am, Periods 4 &5, Tue after school in Dr Nicky's room 216 at the academy, and at other times by arrangement
HomeworkProject on Bias/Propaganda
& Article Reviews leading to 14+ for the term Checklist of Article Topics that will need to be covered
14 Plus to be completed each term State
Local Regional Politics Sports Entertainment International Human Interest Business/Economics Arts & Culture Science & Technology Health & Education National Checklist of types of media to be usedNewspaper
Magazine Television Radio Internet Alternative Media |
Current Events Project on Bias and PropagandaStudents will be able to compare and contrast a range of perspectives within a particular event, including examples of bias and/or propaganda, critically evaluate the level of objectivity in specific media, and be able to formulate their own well informed opinion regarding related issues.
In achieving this MT you can do whatever type of project you like: essay, keynote, presentation, etc.... You must provide evidence of clear bias in a particular issue. Your work can be historical but should be generated using news media resources of some type. You must use multiple sources to show varying perspectives. In addition to whatever way you present your material you must complete 2 "detecting bias" worksheets, one each for different perspectives. And, an article review for at least 2 different news articles. Research Project InstructionsStudents will successfully research the details of a contemporary issue, its origins, and be able to make educated predictions on the future of their chosen issue.
* Pick an event that has been an ongoing news item * Research its’ origins * Describe the circumstances of the event as it is currently playing out * Your work should show specific details including: people playing a key role, what problems the issue presents, differing perspectives associated with the story, show cause & effect, and general information & content that helps describe the event. * Must show the extent of your chosen stories impact * Make predictions on how the situation might be take shape over time * Suggest possible resolutions to the problem Suggested Topics Ebola Elections Afghanistan Syria School Violence Ukraine ISIS Affordable Health Care Act Governor's Race Ferguson Missouri Race Relations Current Events Work Checklist1 Library Magazine AR
2 Kalle Oakes AR's Paris Terrorist Attack AR 1 "Feel Good" story State of the Union AR Current Events MT'sStudents will show an ongoing understanding of important events and people in the news locally, nationally, and internationally while highlighting the concept of a globalized world. article reviews Students will be able to summarize, interpret, and reflect on credible media sources in order to understand contemporary issues. quizzes and test Students will acquire and accurately use vocabulary associated with current events in order to more effectively communicate their understandings. project/test Students will be able to compare and contrast a range of perspectives within a particular event, including examples of bias and/or propaganda, critically evaluate the level of objectivity in specific media, and be able to formulate their own well informed opinion regarding related issues. project Students will successfully research the details of a contemporary issue, its origins, and be able to make educated predictions on the future of their chosen issue. project Students will be able to identify the cause and effect of a variety of contemporary issues. project Useful Current Events Links |

Newseum website. Variety of resources for the news including the headlines from 948 newspapers around the world.
The Public Broadcasting News Website
Lists of the "Top 20 News Sites"
Link to the Sun Journal
- http://lewistonsunjournal.ma.ussrv06.newsmemory.com/nie.php
- User Name: [email protected]
- Password: esunjournal