Todays ActivitiesTodays HomeworkChapter 16 Lesson 1 Reading, Guided Notes, and Recap
Recent HomeworkChapter 14 Lesson 4 Reading, Guided Notes, and Recap
Chapter 13 Lesson 1-4 Reading, Recap, and RQ's Chapter 12 Lesson 1-3 Reading, Recap, and RQ's Chapter 11 Lesson 1-2 Reading, Recap, and RQ's Chapter 10 Lesson 1-4- Reading, Notes, Recap and Review Questions Chapter 9 Lesson 1-3- Reading, Notes, Recap and Review Questions Chapter 8 Lesson 1-2- Reading, Notes, and Review Questions Complete Chapter 7 Lesson 1-3- Reading, Notes, and Review Questions Complete Chapter 6 Lesson 1-4 - Reading, Notes, recap, and Review Questions. Chapter 5 Lesson 1-4 - Reading, Notes and Review Questions Complete Chapter 4 Lesson 1-4 - Reading, Notes and Review Questions Complete Chapter 3 Lesson 1-4 - Reading, Notes and Review Questions Complete Chapter 2 Lesson 1-4 - Reading, Notes and Review Questions Complete Chapter 1 Lesson 1-3 - Reading, Notes and Review Questions Complete Recent ActivitiesQuiz Lesson 1
*. Fully Complete Lessons 1 & 2 Reading, Notes, Recap and Review Questions *. Today & for Homework complete Lesson 3 Reading, Notes, Recap and Review Questions *. Complete a Replacement Activity *. If finished complete the End of Chapter Assessment Questions 1-11 & Questions 1 & 2 on the activities page *. Test Prep for Friday *. If finished start working on the remainder of the book Work hard and work well. Be kind. Older ActivitiesIntro-
Where we are at: So the country has been moving West determined to fulfill what it calls a Manifest Destiny. What many Americans thought was their God Given right to move West and occupy land from sea to shining sea. The United States owning all the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific. As far north as we could go and as far south as we could go. Never mind that the French, the Spanish, the English, the Canadians, the Mexicans and most importantly the Native Americans already occupied areas west. We would take what the Untied States wanted through purchase, diplomacy(negotiation), and most often through conflict. You should no by now that we added: the Louisiana Territory through purchase Texas through conflict the Southwest of the United States through conquest Florida through "Negotiation" & conflict This determined move West opened up opportunities for thousands and eventually millions of Americans to move west seeking opportunities. Along with opportunities Americans had to deal with the growing issue of new states and whether they would be slave states or free states. Me and Dr Nicky benefitted from the growth of America as we were able to live in the west in Washington state. ![]() Closely look at the painting (below) called "American Progress" by John Gast. Answer these questions below related to what you know, the video, and the painting.
1. What is happening in the picture? 2. Obviously, the giant woman floating in the white sheet isn't real, BUT, what does she stand for (represent)? 3. What does the dark and light mean? 4. What does the painter want you to think and feel? 5. What is the painter's view of westward expansion? 6. Why do you think Americans were so determined to move West? 7. In a short paragraph what do know were some problems the country and people faced in moving West? 8. Rate that song 1-10!! It's a catchy one! 9- Where in the west did Dr Nicky and I live? Today we will study the next big addition to the country. Take notes from the resources and answer the questions. Do either the 3 Level or the 3+ Level work. Or both if you are a Historical Superstar!
3 Level Work 1- Who did Mexico fight a Revolution against to gain it’s Independence? 2- What conditions did Mexico put on Americans who moved to the Mexican Territory called Texas? 3- What things did the Texans disagree with Mexico about? 4- Texas wanted to become an American state. Why didn't some American politicians want Texas? 5- What president adds Texas as a state? 6- What started the Mexican/American War and was it widely supported? 7- What was the River that was the disputed border between Mexico and America/Texas? 8- What was the treaty that ended the war? 9- Cession means to give something up. What does Mexico give up for losing the war? What does it get? 10- Ask 1 curiosity question. 4 Level Work- John Green Vid. It's a very good one
1. The United States' westward expansion had a lot to do with economics.
True or False 2. Mexicans in New Mexico and California were outnumbered by ____________. a. Asians b. Native Americans c. the French d. British farmers 3. Texas rebels defeated General Santa Ana at the Battle of San Juan. True or False 4. One of president James K. Polk's goals was to: a. conquer Canada b. create Native American reservations c. acquire California from Mexico d. start a war with France 5. Henry David Thoreau was thrown in jail for not paying taxes. True or False 6. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed in ____. a. 1848 b. 1858 c. 1854 d. 1849 7. The "Know-nothings" were against immigration and catholicism. True or False 8. Nearly 25,000 Chinese people migrated to __________, mostly as contract workers for mining and railroad companies. a. Nevada b. New Mexico c. Texas d. California 9. Early Californian government allowed people from all races and genders to participate in civil life. True or False 10. California was admitted into the United States in ____. a. 1850 b. 1840 c. 1880 d. 1865 11. Ralph Waldo Emerson predicted conflict if the U.S. acquired part of Mexico. True or False Game day today!!!
With the Jackson presidency it was firmly established that America would expand one way or another. Americans embraced the belief that it was the country's god given right to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific. And from Canada to as far south as it could go. Jackson established that the country was willing to push aside the Native Americans from their homelands and also England, Spain and Mexico when they were in the way of our expansion. We called this push west Manifest Destiny. The move west wasn't easy and involved hardship and war. We will use today and next week to learn how the country gained it's size that it is today. You know that the Louisiana Purchase was the first really big addition. Once Lewis and Clark checked it out thousands of settlers followed them, many along what would become the Oregon Trail. Play the game below and after a few tries use the game to record a short diary(review) of your experiences on the Oregon Trail. It's a bit clunky but it has been the favorite activity for 7th graders each year. You must use family and friends as your traveling companions. I hope you don't die along the trail from something yucky!! Warnings: keep your water clean! Careful crossing rivers! Don't run out of food! Try to get along with Indians!
Good luck! Today is a review day of sorts. Tomorrow we will do a Kahoot to finish the year. Today I want you to choose between two youtube videos reviewing US History. Watch your selected video and list many of the important events in US History. Then share with me, in chronological order, what you think are the 10 most important events in US History. 3-5 of your events must have happened after the Civil War. These 3-5 things should be History that might be new to you and we haven't had a chance to study.
Option 1- This is an image and music based review of US History.
Option 2- This video is very informative but it might hard to keep up with.
Yesterday we finished learning about the Civil War. That war is often the end point in alot of US History classes. It's an important end point because it is the moment that America starts becoming what it is today. The greatness of Abraham Lincoln was that he saw the future of America and how incredible it could become. He knew that if it was to achieve that we had to keep the Union(country) together and start living up to what was said in the Constitution. America would come out of the Civil War bloodied and battered but it would steadily grow from there to become, in many ways, the greatest country in History. And without Lincoln and a Northern victory that would not have happened. I hope you will find a chance later in your schooling to or on your own to learn in more detail the modern story of American History. One was to learn about History is to visit the places that History happened. One of the places Dr Nicky & I still need to go is Gettysburg. Read the instructions below to complete todays work. Instructions
* Watch the video on Lincoln and take 5+ notes * Read the Duckster lesson, take 5-10 notes * Do the 10 question Duckster quiz at the end of the lesson and let me know your result * Prize Question using the Intro, lesson and video. What is one place Dr Nicky and I want to visit to learn about some History of this time? Civil War- Well it wasn't very civil. This war is probably the worst war America has been involved with. It is the war that keeps the country together, establishes Lincoln as our greatest President, and ends slavery.
Watch the remainder of the Oversimplified Video, take 10+ notes, and answer the questions. Take 10+ Notes
Questions- 1- In the beginning what was Lincoln fighting the war for? 2- Which side was winning early in the war? 3- Which side might the powerful Europeans support and why? 4- What battle and decision kept the Europeans from supporting a side? 5- What Northern general was having the most success? 6- Ask one curiosity question. Take today and Monday to complete the following
Watch the Oversimplified cartoon- The American Civil War fro the 1:00 minute mark to the 13:10 minutes mark. take 10-15 notes and answer the questions Questions
1- As America grew what was it's biggest issue that politicians couldn't figure out? 2- How did politicians try to deal with this issue? 3- Why do Maine & Missouri come up in the vid? 4- Why do Texas & California come up in the vid? 5- Why does Kansas & Nebraska come up? 6- Who was John Brown and what did he do? 7- Who was Harriet Teacher Stowe and Uncle Tom? 8- How bad did things get in Congress? 9- Who was Dred Scott? 10- What was the Underground Railroad? 11- What were some details of slave life? 12- What was the last straw for the Southern States & what did they do about it? 13- Ask one curiosity question you have about the causes of the American Civil War? Preview of Friday and next week. Well done to those of you that have kept up with your learning. It is important for us to know how our country has become what it has. Tomorrow and next week we will finish our school year learning how America would decide it's issue of slavery through the Civil War. That conflict would ensure that America stayed together and have the chance to become the country it has today. Keep up the good work!
Today is some good old fashioned book work. In our efforts to learn how our country reached it's current size we will use Chapter 13 Section 2 from the book to learn how we added Texas and Florida, two very BIG additions. The story includes the addition of our most popular beach state, the famous Battle of the Alamo, Texas becoming it's own country, and then a state. These big additions would lead to some of the final additions in tomorrows studies.
Read Section 2 using the slideshow below or your book Create a set of notes like you would for a HW assignment Answer the Review Questions Take today and Thursday to complete the work.
Intro Prize Winner Video Resources and Questions Intro
Andrew Jackson! AJ is an important President to be familiar with. Like any President he did some good things and some bad things. However, Jackson did some of the most unforgivable things a President has ever done. He was a war hero but was overly cruel and brutal, particularly to the Native Americans. He resolved alot of his disagreements through violence and duels. He murdered at least two people in duels and probably more! As a general in the army he used his troops to attack people he didn't have permission to, like the British 2 weeks after the end of the War of 1812, slaughtered Indian tribes and the attacked the Spanish in Florida! He was a hard fighting, hard drinking, gambler, was racist, quick tempered, and a mean scary guy. He did rise up from very humble beginnings and was a self made man and these qualities appealed to alot of ordinary people. He would would fight to get more ordinary people the right to vote. He used this wave of new voters to get elected into government and eventually to become President. He brought his wicked ways into the Presidency. While in office he ignored checks & balances, started the spoils system(look it up), acted like a king, bullied states, and was HORRIFIC to the Native Americans. He forced Native Americans out of their homelands resulting in one of our saddest chapters in history, The Trail of Tears(look it up). Lots of places were named after him like Fort Jackson, South Carolina where I had friends stationed in the military. He is important for us to study because he is one of the best examples of why this country needs an effective system of checks and balances that the Founding Fathers thought was important to avoid an overly powerful branch of government. Activities To Complete
Use the first 3 resources or the last one below to take notes on 3-5 important things you already knew about Andrew Jackson, list 5-10 new things you learned, and ask 1 curiosity question about about him. And use what you've learned to answer the questions.
3 Level Vids
4 Level Vid
Questions to complete
1- List 3 good things about Andrew Jackson 2- List 3 bad things about Andrew Jackson 3- Jackson was very popular. Why do you think this was? 4- Pretend you are supporting Jackson for election to President. Write 2-3 sentences on why I should vote for him. 5- Write 2-3 sentences on why I shouldn't vote for Jackson 6- Prize Question- Where is a place Mr Westberry had friends stationed at? Prize Winner!
Intro Andrew Jackson Lesson Questions 50 Capitals This week we will study Westward Expansion as the country begins to fill out and become the size it is today. How did that happen? Well you are well aware of the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis & Clark exploration. The story of expansion involves two other important aspects of US History: Treatment of Native Americans and were new states going to be free states or slave states. We will continue our story with one of the most unbelievable leaders in all of History, Andrew Jackson. AJ is a good example of American expansion as he was all about it and didn't care who got in the way. Jackson gained fame by winning the Battle of New Orleans fighting in the War of 1812. Problem was the war had been over for 2 weeks and Jackson attacked the city anyway! Dr Nicky and I spent time New Orleans and I developed a taste for gumbo & beignets there. Later Jackson was ordered into Florida while Spain still owned it to put defend Georgia from Indian attacks. Jackson went further than just defend Georgia, he totally destroyed the Seminole Indians viciously. And while he was at it he conquered Spanish territory without permission. He was a "bad" man!
Do the following work Today and Tuesday:
Do the short Andrew Jackson lesson and quiz. Let me know your result of the quiz result.
Use the following two resources and the Duckster lesson to answer the questions about Andrew Jackson
Using the two resources above answer the questions below
1- In the music video what are two geographic features mentioned in the video? 2- Who is Jackson fighting in the music video? 3- In the images shown in the music video how is Jackson portrayed? 4- What qualities did Jackson have that may have made him well suited to be President? 5- What were his qualities that weren't Presidential? 6- Does Jackson seem like a good President or bad president to you? 7- Where did Dr Nicky and I develop a taste for Gumbo and Beignets? 8- Ask one curiosity question about Andrew Jackson? Make it a good one! 9- Rate the song 1-10. 10 being "I can't get enough of that one Mr W" and 1 being "Mr W you have the worst taste in music in the history of music. Practice the 50 Capital Cities and let me know your results
We have reached the part of our studies where the country is beginning to expand. As that happens the question of slavery is always the biggest question as the country moves West. Will the new lands allow slaves or not allow slaves? Will new states be slave states or free states? It also includes the sad story of how the Native Americans lose their lands to that expansion. This story of expansion is a good one that includes Gold Rushes, the Battle of the Alamo, Cowboys & Indians, the Wild West, one very out of control President and much more. I will also introduce for the final few weeks a prize opportunity. Every few days I will include a detail in the intro or in your feedback to help you get into a prize drawing. All the winners of the Mr W prizes(and you know how good they are) will be able to visit my room in the new building to choose a prize or prizes. A detail for today is that Remy is Mr W's new dogs is name. Today you will play the Kahoot and the Geo games. The Kahoot is on the vocab list I linked earlier in the week. We are competing against Dr Nicky's class so don't let me down!!! Play the Kahoot. Only play twice and be sure to use an obvious version of your name so I can give you credit. Please let me know if you have problems with playing. Game is only open for today.
Play the two geo games below and let me know your best result for each.
Prize Question of the day: Do you remember what is Mr W's new dogs name is? If you do give your answer with your results to go in todays prize draw. Take Wednesday & Thursday to complete the following work.
Where we have gotten to: The United States has firmly established itself as a new nation. It has fought three wars with England: The Rev, the War of 1805 and the War of 1812. It has more than doubled in size, established the Judicial Branch, had several peaceful changes in Presidency's, and is developing it's economy & industry. Three important themes in our studies the next couple of weeks include: Westward Expansion, Treatment of Native Americans, and the Effect of Slavery. To Do: * Do the short lesson on the War of 1812 and take the quiz at the end. Let me know how you do on the quiz. This war was VERY important for a few reasons. And it ends with an important battle that introduces someone unbelievable in our studies at the end. * Watch each videos and answer the related questions. Watch the videos below and answer the questions related to them.
Video 1 Questions
Explain how & why cotton processing was so labor intensive. What machine makes processing cotton more efficient? How much of the worlds cotton does the US produce before & after this machine? Cotton becomes so profitable that it is nicknamed what? How does the North support slavery? Video 2 Questions
Who invents the Cotton Gin? What else is he famous for? Where did he go to college? What does the Cotton Gin do? Why does the Cotton Gin lead to a massive increase in slavery? Why didn't he make money from his invention & what work did he do next? What did he invent to help with this knew work? Hint- Two Word Answer I_______ P______ Which of his two inventions was more important and why? Be sure to have done yesterdays work. As a heads up Dr Nicky is challenging us to a vocab Kahoot on Friday. Vocab words will be from Columbus to the Revolution.
Today practice your states and capitals geo games and let me know how you do. Let's kinda finish Thomas Jefferson today. Your two options:
3 Level Option 1-
Watch the two videos below on TJ. Take 5-7 different notes on EACH video and ask 1 curiosity question from each video. 3+ Level(Challenging) Option 2-
Watch the John Green video on TJ and complete the worksheet as you watch it. And ask one curiosity question you have about Jefferson. If you have trouble opening the worksheet let me know & I'll send it in a different format. Watch the Today in History Vid.
List what you think are the two most important events and why. Also ask one curiosity question you have from watching the video. And, play the US States and US Capitals games and tell me your best results for each. BONUS ACTIVITY!!!! You might enjoy todays 8th grade work, particularly option 1. Do any of the 8th grade work in addition to yours and get extra credit!
Watch the Lewis and Clark video as a review and then do the Kahoot. Be sure to use your first name and last initial so I know that you have done it. Unless you mess up only do the cahoot once.
Game PIN: 02680262 Take until Thursday to use yesterdays Louisiana Purchase Activity to write the following activity.
Point of View: Identify two different groups of people that were affected by the event described in the article. Write a paragraph for each group explaining how the group was affected by the event using details from the text. Complete the following activity.
TLR-(but you should read)
Watch the vids Take notes Send me your notes Get & Take Quiz on Friday Where we've gotten to! Our studies started with Uncle Ug crossing a land Bridge from Asia chasing food! Uncle Ug always thought with his stomach! We've covered Aztecs & Incas(Remember Shampee!!!) Explorers & Conquistadors. Fountains of Youth & Cities of Gold. We've had Tea Parties and Massacres. Crazy Kings and crazy duels. We have worked at understanding how this place we call America first became inhabited and then how people like ourselves started to occupy this place. It's important that we understand how this place was started and how it began to look like what we are familiar with today. We've studied why we speak English and not French or Spanish or Native American. We know we became unhappy with government and fought to start our own form of Government. You should now know more about the beginnings of this country and how it was set up under a Constitution and the impact of the early presidents. We now arrive at the part where we cover how this country grew West and sadly how we ended up fighting ourselves in the Civil War. Watch the 3 videos below to learn about our biggest addition of territory in expanding West. Take some notes on the vids and when you share your notes with me I will send you a quiz for Friday. Third video is a silly bonus video better appreciated if you know the Lord of the Rings story.
As a review rearrange the list below in chronological order(the order that they happened in) from the oldest event to the most recent event. Some events overlap and you should list the event that starts earliest.
Also be on the lookout for an email explaining what sort of work we will be doing in the upcoming weeks. Ice Age
Articles of Confederation Aztec Empire Vikings Arrive The American Civil War Jamestown Colony Olmec Empire Roanoke Colony Declaration of Independence George Washington Presidency Battle of Yorktown Roanoke Colony Revolutionary War Humans cross Beringia Abraham Lincoln's Presidency Plymouth Colony Proclamation Act of 1763 Columbus Arrives Battle of Lexington Thomas Jefferson Presidency The Silk Road Begins Valley Forge French & Indian War Constitutional Convention Louisiana Purchase JeffersonWrite down 2-5 different facts from at least 3 of the videos about the Louisiana Purchase. Then use the fact list to write a short paragraph explaining the details, problems and benefits of the purchase.
Use the video to answer the following questions.
1- What two people did Jefferson beat in the election of 1800? 2- What was great about the change in leadership in America compared to other changes in leadership in History? 3- Why did Jefferson wear normal clothes to his inauguration and not fancy ones? 4- What are two things that Jefferson reduces? 5- Jefferson and his representatives made a BIG government move. What was that move/purchase and how was it even better than expected? 6- What effect on the country did this purchase have? 7- Jefferson has his big purchase so how does he find out what he has purchased? 8- Ask one curiosity question that doesn't involve whiskey. Watch the "Today in History" video for 15 April. Pick what you think are the two most important events and say why you think they are important. And ask 1 curiosity question you have about the video.
Also play the 50 states game and tell me your % correct and your best time. The Fall of Hamilton and the Rise of Jefferson!!!
Use my intro and the video to answer the questions.
Our studies have brought us to the Presidency of Jefferson. He was one of the most important Presidents in our History in shaping the country. Leading up to that time their was a political rivalry between Hamilton, Jefferson and Aaron Burr. We have studied how Ham and Jeff bitterly opposed one another in politics and personality. The tension between Hamilton and Burr was much worse!!! They came to hate one another personally and politically. As much as Ham and Jeff didn't get along Hamilton worked hard to make sure Burr didn't win elections, especially the presidential election. Their bitter rivalry, personal insults, and scandalous accusations would eventually lead to their infamous duel. Both men were destined to be the greatest politician of their day but their intense rivalry opened the door for one our greatest presidents, Thomas Jefferson. 1- Of the three rivals which two run against one another for President? 2- Which of the 3 were friends with one another? 3- Where were Hamilton and Burr from? 4- How were the lives of Hamilton and Burr different? How did their lives shape who they were? What similarities and differences did they have? 5- What were the jobs that they both had? 6- What other election Hamilton prevents Burr from winning? 7- It doesn't say in the video but do you know what job Burr had at the time of the duel? 8- One good curiosity question!!! And optional one more time. My favorite song from Hamilton and the song about the duel
Use the first 10.5 minutes of the Mr Betts video to answer the following questions. If you have already watched the minutes you will need to watch the next 4 minutes as well. Spoiler Alert: Guess who dies in todays work!?!?!?
1- Article 2 talks describes what branch of government? 2- When was the first Presidential Election? 3- Who finishes second? 4- What part of the country had the least debt from the war? 5- Hamilton wanted to create a National what? Run by the Government. 6- True or false. Hamilton & Washington hated taxes. 7- What treaty gave America use of the Mississippi River? 8- What sets up the court system? 9- What country did we inspire to have their own Revolution? 10- How was it different than our own Revolution? 11- What is a precedent? 12- What are 2 precedents that Washington set? 13- Who ran for President after Washington? 14- Who wins and who is the VP? 15- What is the Sedition Act? What right does it take away? 15- The Alien Act targeted who? 16- Was Adams a popular President? 17- What two candidates beat Adams? 18- Who becomes VP and who prevents him from winning the Presidency!?!?! 19- What does the VP do about it??? 20- At the end of Adam's presidency he appoints many many what before he leaves office? 21- Rate today's joke 1-10. 1 being Mr Westberry you are torturing us! to 10 Mr Westberry you should retire from teaching and become a comedian. Thursdays work- Watch the first 6:30 of the video below. Take 5-10 notes of things that are a review for you. And take 3-5 notes of information that is new to you.
Use the video below to challenge yourself today. Based on the video below:
Support your answer with quotes from the video 1 -Describe John Adams' view on the role of government 2- Desrcibe Jefferson's view on the role of government 3- Whose view would you be more likely to support and why? Use the two videos below to answer the following questions. You have until Wednesday to complete the work.
1- Describe Hamilton's view of government & how big a role government should play in society. 2- Describe Jefferson's view of government and how big a roll should government play in society. 3- Describe what Hamilton and Jefferson's relationship was like. 4- Where did they express their most heated disagreements? 5- In the second video describe John Adam's role in the conversation. 6- Describe Washington's role in the conversation. 7- At the end of the Dinner Time Talk vid how important does Adam's involvement in the Cabinet seem to be? What shows this? Using the video below answer the following questions:
What party does Jefferson start? What party does Hamilton start? What people and region supports Jefferson? What people and region support Hamilton? Who wanted to focus support on farmers? Who hated violence and war? Who supported a National Bank & why? How did he gain support for his plan? Who warned about political parties and why? Mr W bad music for the day! Just enjoy:)
Use the video below to do the following work:
Describe Hamilton's early life. Describe his wartime experience. Describe the kind of country he wanted to see develop. Describe the work he did in government. Read the short article, send me the question answers, and a curiosity question. You could post the curiosity question on the blog.
Whiskey Mr Westberry!?!? Yup, very important to American History. Watch the video and take what you think are 10 important notes and answer the following questions.
Why was there a Whiskey Rebellion? Why was the Whiskey Rebellion important? Use the video above and this weeks news to help answer the questions below.
What is a Bill? Who can suggest laws? Who do they suggest laws to? Who do you suppose works on Capitol Hill? Which house of congress has to discuss and pass a bill for it to be a law? If Congress passes a bill where does it go next before becoming a law? Becoming a law is hard. Why should it be so hard to make a law? Do you know a bill that Congress has worked hard on this week to help Americans in this tough time? What branch of government has to do all(most) of the work in creating a bill like this weeks bill? What year did the Constitutional Convention take place and where was it?
List the 5 most important things about the Constitution reviewed in the video. Ask one curiosity question you have about the video and Constitution. You can email me your answers or turn them in when we return to class.
List in the order of most important 5 and why they were important. List 5 events mentioned in the video and why they were important. You can email me answers to these questions or save them for class.
What event do you think most encouraged the Revolution? What event is a place in Maine mentioned? What place in Maine is mentioned? Recent Activities & From Previous Years
What does the story tell us about the relationship between sons and fathers?
What meaning is there behind flying too close to the sun and too close to the water? Describe the overall morals of the story. Are these morals that we can still live by 3000 years after that story was first told? Are there any modern stories that you know of that have a similar moral lesson? Write one I wonder question about the story. In one or two words describe each of the 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights.
Geography GradingContinents and Oceans
0-15= Fail 16-17= 3.0 18-19= 3.5 20= 4.0 1 point each Continent & Ocean 1 point for each map feature- SOFTK 3 points for presentation 50 States 0-65= Fail 66-79= 3.0 80-90= 3.5 91-100= 4.0 1.5 points for each state 3 points each map feature- SOFTK 10 points for presentation Oregon Trail Focus Questions
What made success so difficult? What needed to be done to be more successful? If success was so difficult why would be people attempt such a journey? Study Tips![]() Geography & Education Games |
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Mr W's Office Hours Mon-Fri 6:45-7:15 AM Tue & Thur 2:30-3:00 7th Grade Social Studies
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Founding FathersProject ideas:
Essay keynote pamphlet baseball card skit interview script poster Abigail Adams John Adams Sam Adams Benjamin Franklin John Hancock Patrick Henry Thomas Jefferson James Madison Paul Revere George Washington Rubric and additional details to come |